For individuals
Together we create instant change to your next level. This could be:
For organizations
For individuals
For organizations
You and your organization profit by my
I am a life-long learner. Looking back on almost 20 years of international leadership experience within various industries I enjoy taking myself and others to the next level. I am curious and want to understand people, situations and attached meanings.
It has always been my satisfaction to inspire and enable others. Showing them what is possible and inspiring possibilities is my juice of life.
As you look at my vita you might get the impression that my life is the union of supposed contrasts: I got my doctorate degree in business administration to find intellectual answers. I am also a student of energy healing for more than 20 years because I always wanted to understand what is not to understand, really, but to experience. In my spare time I love enduro riding, playing in the dirt and pushing the envelope. At the same time, I am a dedicated dancer with a passion for Argentine Tango.
I stand for contribution, growth, learning, creation, joy, finding and presenting possibilities, lightness, development, permission to learn.
My gift is it to see you as you really are – regardless of your power or of the walls you’ve built around you.
Spirituality in the workplace
3rd place at the Academy of Management, division MSR (management, spirituality and religion) „most promising dissertation“ award (2011)
The essence of the essence: If you embrace spirituality in the workplace (regardless of any demographic factors), you’ll have a positive effect on attitude and behavior at work. Thus, a positive impact on the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit).
To find out more:
Heinsohn, D. (2012). Spirituality in the workplace: an empirical analysis of the moderator effect of demographics on the relationship among spirituality, attitudes, and behavior at work.
As an entrepreneur, I have many tools and a continuously trained mindset. And yet I can’t open the door myself from the inside. With Dorthe, I have a transformation companion who has a high level of knowledge, understanding of complex issues, spiritual access and a shamanically effective approach. I recommend her unreservedly to all those who are committed to making real and sustainable deep changes.
Rositta Beck
denkvorgang – Tools und Trainings für Büroorganisation und Kommunikation
Röschweg 29, 71686 Remseck bei Stuttgart
Mit idealer Büroorganisation mehr Zeit. Mehr Leben. Mehr Umsatz.
Wir leben und arbeiten in Beziehungen. Ihre Qualität ist entscheidend dafür, wie gut wir unsere Ziele erreichen. Kern meiner Arbeit ist es daher, meine Mandanten dabei zu unterstützen, im Zusammenspiel mit anderen bestmöglich selbstwirksam zu werden.
Um diesen Anspruch bestmöglich zu erfüllen, lassen ich mich immer wieder von Dorthe begleiten.
Sie schafft mit mir Reflexionsräume und ermöglicht mir ein vertieftes Verstehen, indem sie eine Situation mit mir nicht nur aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln analysiert, sondern die spirituelle Dimension von Beziehungen mit einbezieht.
Ihr feines Gespür für die energetische Aufstellung ihres Gegenübers – gepaart mit einer klar strukturierten Vorgehensweise – hilft, die persönlichen Ressourcen im spirituellen Bereich weiterzuentwickeln und so in der eigenen Kraft zu bleiben.
Ich empfehle ihre Arbeit für alle, die in ihrem Leben gestalten wollen.
Susanne Janthur
Gemeinsam zum Erfolg, Rechtsanwältin, Wirtschaftsmediatorin und Mentorin für Kommunikation.
Spirituality in the workplace (SWP) – the effect of demographics on the relationship among spirituality, attitudes, and behavior at work
c) How does your spiritual life impact your attitudes and behavior at work?
d) When you work with individuals with the same spiritual beliefs, how does the collective spirituality impact the quality of work, relationships, and attitudes?
e) How do you know that your attitudes and behaviors at work are in alignment? What role does spirituality play?